On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 09:22:59AM +1100, brett gardner wrote:
> I don't think its as simple as that.
> I recently had to implement this behaviour and realised that in some 
> cases you might need to rename the columns in the query. eg
> $rs->search({'foo.bar_id' => 2},{join=>'foo'});
> then later
> my $new_rs = $rs->search({'foo.bar_id' = 45},{join=>'foo'});
> which would result in the query
> SELECT ....
> FROM tbl1 LEFT JOIN foo ON (...)
> LEFT JOIN foo foo2 ON (...)
> foo.bar_id = 2 AND foo.bar_id = 45
> Which is incorrect. as the second search clause should be "foo2.bar_id = 
> 45".

It is. But it's also a completely different problem, and one that's much
harder to solve - I hope to find a way to allow DBIC to instrospect on
the query tree sufficiently to handle this case intelligently as part of
our refactor of SQL::Abstract - interested in helping?

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