On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 03:11:25PM +0000, Richard Cox wrote:
> So all that's cool but I hit a roadblock if I want to select more than one
> column at a time because we only have one 'dummy' column in our table class so
> it gets autoviv'd
> my @rs = $schema->resultset('Dual')->search(undef,
>    { select => [ \'sysdate', {initcap => '\'bar\''} ],
>      as     => [ 'dummy', 'dummy' ]
>    },
> );
> for my $col (@rs) {
>    print $col->dummy."\n"; # Bar
> }
> To get round this I've slung together an 'auto column' component which
> overrides get_column

Why bother?

as => [ 'sysdate', 'initcap' ]



DBIC intentionally doesn't validate the columns passed to inflate_result
and intentionally treats _column_data as supreme if the key exists precisely
to make this usage work without needing any extra custom code.

or you could sod off having a class at all and just use HashRefInflator so
@rs will contain { sysdate => $systdate, initcap => $initcap } in each

Both seem simpler to me than adding+removing columns on the fly inside
get_column ...

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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