On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 03:19:27PM -0800, J.G.Konrad wrote:
> Using DBIx::Class  0.08007 and a simple script that will connect to a
> database, wait for greater than the timeout  and execute a statement
> on a expired connection, everything works as described below.  A new
> connection is made and the failing statement is retried. Setting
> DBIC_TRACE=1 shows the SQL twice even though only one ->single() is
> executed.
> When using a Apache, mod_perl, Catalyst , DBIx setup, a new connection
> is created but the failing statement is not retried.   It doesn't
> sound like this is the expected behavior.  Am I missing something for
> this type of setup?

Search for something like Apache::DBI being loaded and unload it. That's
often a source of problems.

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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