On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 01:19:56PM -0700, Jay Buffington wrote:
> I was unaware of dbicadmin.  I'll look into hacking it to achieve the
> same simple command line interface that DBIx::Class::Client provides
> so that you could easily write a music.pl script (the example script
> in DBIx:Class::Client) by extending DBIx::Class::Script::Admin.

Thought as much.

If it looks to be easier to start with DBIx::Class::Client and just bolt
back in the complex where stuff, that also works for me. I think the
dbicadmin API is sufficiently simpler (albeit the JSON thing makes it
capable of some really powerful stuff) that it can be bolted onto your
existing code quicker?

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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