I'm messing around with writing some tests with DBIx::Class::Fixtures and getting stuck. Trying to see if it's something obvious I'm doing wrong or there is currently an sqlite problem. The code below runs fine except the final step: $fixtures->populate. This is the error it gives-

SQL was:
 DROP TABLE account
DBIx::Class::Fixtures::populate(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: account(1) at dbdimp.c line 271 [for Statement "DROP TABLE account"] at ./fixture-test.pl line 40

There is a table "account" and it's in the MyApp-Test-Schema-1- SQLite.sql as well as the dumped $schema object. My DBIC modules are all current.

Any ideas?



ok( my $schema = MyApp::Test::Schema->connect ('dbi:SQLite:apond_data.db') );


my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new({ config_dir => './ fixture_config' });

                 config => 'first_stab.json',
                 schema => $schema,
                 directory => './fixture_config',

unlink "./MyApp-Test-Schema-1-SQLite.sql";


    directory => './fixture_config',
    ddl => './MyApp-Test-Schema-1-SQLite.sql',
    connection_details => ['dbi:SQLite:apond_data.db']

first_stab.json looks like

  sets: [{
        class: 'Account',
        ids: ['7311']

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