On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 12:10:42AM +0200, Jens Gassmann wrote:
> Hi,
> >Any outstanding patches, please send to this thread. Can somebody also
> >go through rt.cpan.org and work out if there's anything on there we need
> >to apply as well?
> attached the test and patch for DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Datetime

Other than the bigass diff to sqlite.sql, is there anything left to do here?

If not, lob me an htpasswd line and I'll set you up to commit this.

> The recreation of the test-schema generates many changes - many more 
> then my :-(

Diffs against sqlite.sql are irrelevant - the only reason it's in svn at all
is for the (now vanishingly small) number of people patching DBIC who don't
have SQL::Translator.

Might actually just have Makefile.PL create it and drop the damn thing from
svn entirely - thoughts people?

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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