On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 05:40:42PM +1100, Toby Corkindale wrote:
> Hi guys,
> This is for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader.
> I was having some trouble with it mysteriously dieing on otherwise fine 
> classes intermittently.
> I eventually tracked it down to the lines adjusted in the patch 
> (attached); I think it's fairly clear, let me know if you have any 
> questions?
> I've also filed a bug #40251 with the same patch on rt.cpan.org.. I'm 
> not sure which is your preferred medium for accepting these.

Either, preferably not both - unless you're volunteering to forward all
replies to the list to the ticket and vice versa.

Anyway, your patch is ... probably the wrong approach. The right approach
would be to use Class::C3::Componentised::ensure_class_loaded instead.

And a test would be nice, too :)

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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