> Hi all!
>> We are dealing with some weird issues because our database has silly
>> column names.  Specifically speaking we have a column called 'user'.  user
>> is a reserved word in T-SQL (we are using SQL Server.)  Anyway, this is the
>> error we get:
>> DBIx::Class::ResultSet::find(): Error executing 'SELECT me.user,
>> me.password, me.site, me.image, me.ro FROM Users me WHERE ( me.user = ?
>> )': [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the
>> keyword 'user'. (SQL-42000)
>> Is there a standard way around this?
>> Thanks!
> There is:
> http://search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/DBIx-Class-0.08012/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod#Setting_quoting_for_the_generated_SQL
> .

I actually couldn't get either of these solutions to work.  I asked for help
on the IRC Channel and I got this far:

use lib '/Inetpub/wwwroot/cgi';

use My::Schema;

use strict;

> my $schema = My::Schema->connect("dbi:ODBC:DSN=LynxSQL",

"Test_Lornx","Password1!", {

                                quote_char => [qw/[ ]/],

                                name_sep  => '.',

                                limit_dialect => 'mssql',


> my $parent = $schema->resultset('LogParent')->find(62);

print $parent->subject;

> my @equip = $schema->resultset('User')->find('test')->equipment;

print $equip[0]->serialnumber;

But it still acts like I never set any of those settings and I get the same

DBIx::Class::ResultSet::find(): Error executing 'SELECT me.user,
> me.password, me.site, me.image, me.ro FROM Users me WHERE ( me.user = ?
> )': [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the
> keyword 'user'. (SQL-42000)

Anyone see what I am missing?
fREW Schmidt
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