On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 11:29:53AM +1000, Toby Corkindale wrote:
> Matt S Trout wrote:
> >On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 06:14:13PM +1000, Toby Corkindale wrote:
> >>Hi guys,
> >>I've encountered a regression in DBIC, introduced in revision 5298.
> >>It's more than likely that the way things were being done in the code 
> >>here were not correct and *shouldn't* have worked previously, but I 
> >>can't seem to work it out myself.
> >>
> >>There's a single changed line which triggers the problem:
> >>--------------------------------------------------------
> >>diff --git a/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm b/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm
> >>@@ -1228,7 +1229,7 @@ sub register_extra_source {
> >> sub _register_source {
> >>   my ($self, $moniker, $source, $params) = @_;
> >>
> >>-  %$source = %{ $source->new( { %$source, source_name => $moniker }) };
> >>+  $source = $source->new({ %$source, source_name => $moniker });
> >
> >Yeah, that's a bugfix.
> >
> >Basically, you can't add relationships after the fact - if you can't set up
> >your relationships before the source is registered with the schema then
> >you'll need to re-register it afterwards.
> >
> >Slightly annoying side effect of the prototype inheritance style DBIC uses
> >for schema and sources - I'm aware it's a tad annoying but things break
> >subtly without it.
> Is the correct way to re-register it this?
> My::Schema->register_extra_source(
>     Users => My::Schema->class('Users')->new->result_source_instance
> );
> (That seems to work at least.. trying to do register_class/source() 
> again causes an error about it already existing)

ITYM warning, and since you're doing something weird you probably -do-
want to overwrite.

Possibly what we need is a patch to allow a "yes, I meant to do this"
option to squelch the warning ...

        Matt S Trout         Catalyst and DBIx::Class consultancy with a clue
     Technical Director      and a commit bit: http://shadowcat.co.uk/catalyst/
 Shadowcat Systems Limited
  mst (@) shadowcat.co.uk        http://shadowcat.co.uk/blog/matt-s-trout/

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