Am 30.06.2009 um 18:10 schrieb David Ihnen:

Rob Kinyon wrote:
Now, if someone can provide a solid use-case, then I'll be onboard.
But, adding features for the sake of adding features is how you end up
with a crappy API.

Lets see if I can argue the use case. I tripped over this limitation and I *think* it was when I was doing this part of the implementation

I have a data structure formed like so;

Each client has a set of users. Clients are enumerated in a separate table, foreign keyed from the user table. They use the same structure for their hierarchy.

Each user record thus has a client value, as well as a left and a right value. The data structure is maintained so that the left and right numbers are sequential - supervisor has left/right of 1/4, his single subordinate has left/right of 2/3 - on insert of another subordinate, supervisor becomes 1/6 and the second subordinate is 4/5. A sub-subordinate on the second user would be 5/6, moving his super to 4/7 and the top super to 1/8. This allows an arbitrary depth of organizational structure but allows straightforward queries for inheritance/supervisor permission checks.

If the client is the same and their left and/or right are between your own, they are your subordinate.

If the client is the same and you are between somebody else's left and right, they are your supervisor.

The complication comes when I want to describe the relationships 'users subordinates' or 'users supervisors'. The constraint of 'in the same client' is part of the join term - not just a where clause.

So I'd like to say something like this in my user model class:

package DB:Schema::samp_user;

__PACKAGE__->has_many('subordinates' => 'DB::Schema::samp_user', { 'subordinates.client' => 'samp_user.client', 'subordinates.lft' => { '-between' => [ 'samp_user.lft', 'samp_user.right' ] } } );

But I can't, because you can't specify complicated join conditions like that.

So what do you think, is that a solid use case?


Hi David,

work is in progress to add this feature to DBIC. The proposed syntax can be found here:

feel free to add your own test case to this branch ( )!



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