On 15/06/12 07:04, Alex Erzin wrote:

[ ... ]
CREATE  TABLE  `mydb`.`target` (
   `target_id` INT NOT NULL ,
   `description` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,
   PRIMARY KEY (`target_id`) )

CREATE  TABLE `mydb`.`host` (
   `target_id` INT NOT NULL ,
   `hostname` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,
   `ip` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,
   PRIMARY KEY (`target_id`) ,
   CONSTRAINT `fk_host_target`
     FOREIGN KEY (`target_id` )
     REFERENCES `mydb`.`target` (`target_id` )

How to implemeng there classes Target and Host, so it possible to write

print $target->id(), $targer->description()
print $host->id(), $host->description(), $host->hostname(), $host->ip()


I have no ideas how to implement inheritance, and all my experiments are failed 
- from Host i cannot get access to parent properties like description.
Could you help me please (with examples)?
I don't know how you'd get $host->id (maybe you meant $host->target_id?), but you can proxy accessors across to other table definitions by specifying them in your relationship definition (see the 'proxy' section under https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::Class::ResultSource#add_relationship).


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