am I missing anything? when I dump schema of my database using schema loader's 
make_schema_at. Some .pm file names under Result corrosponding to folders have 
names chnaged! they do not match to table names!!
e.g. table name costlycookies shows up as Costlycooky.pm !!! another table 
cheapcookis show up as Cheapcooky.pm another table named els is showing up a 
El.pm !!!
when i cat these files the table names and other details are all good. But due 
to this 'wrong' .pm file naming I am getting this error in my code:
 DBIx::Class::Schema::resultset(): Can't find source for Costlycookies at 
/my/path/cgi-bin/myscript.pl line 53
line 53 in my code:...
 $coki_rs = $schema->resultset('Costlycookies')->search(....

why is this happening? before this fresh dumping operation, I changed the 
indexed key from general indexed key to primary index key on almost all tables, 
but the old table's *.pm file names still look good.

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