On Mon, Sep 17 2012, Karl Forner <karl.for...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The goal is to provide dynamic columns to dbix result objects.
> To be more concrete, suppose that you have User table, with a foreign
> key user_type_id on a UserType table (a lookup table).
> You'd like your nice extjs grid automatically filled thanks to
> CatalystX::ExtJS::REST to display a user_type column, because the
> "user_type_id" column is not veru useful for your customers.
> Using DBICx::DynamicColumns, you could tie the (new) method/column "type"
> to $row->user_type()->name() for instance.

isn't that exactly what you do with the 'proxy' attribute? see


so in your User table, you would define the relationship like this:


    { user_type_id => "user_type_id" },
        proxy => {
            type => 'name',


not sure though about your other intentions with the dynamic columns


Patrick Meidl ........................ patr...@pantheon.at
Vienna, Austria ...................... http://gplus.to/pmeidl

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