
Imagine that we have some data in DB, which can be represented in nested
structure Eg. categories tree:
CREATE TABLE categories (
    id INT NOT NULL,
    parent_id INT NULL ,
    title TEXT,
    CONSTRAINT "subcategories" FOREIGN KEY("parent_id") REFERENCES

Now we want to retrieve all subcategories for category(id = $id) with 3rd
nested level. For example we will want retrieve the next structure:
- Category 1(id=id1, parent_id=$id)
- - Category 1-1(id=id3, parent_id=id1)
- - Category 1-2(id=id4, parent_id=id1)
- - Category 1-3(id=id5, parent_id=id1)
- Category 2(id=id2, parent_id=$id)
- - Category 2-1(id=id6, parent_id=id2)

In our code we can do this vie DBIx::Class
$rs = $schema
            'me.id' =>$id
            prefetch => {'subcategories' => 'subcategories'}

And now we can call something like

And we will get query like ... LEFT JOIN ... LEFT JOIN ...
If we want the 4th nested level, we will get (LEFT JOIN) x 3.
If we want the Mth nested level, we well get (LEFT JOIN) x M.

So, to solve this multiple LEFT JOIN we've created some stored procedure in
DB, which returns the same data as multiple LEFT JOIN
(category_descendants(id)). but returns it very fast.

How can I convert raw data, which could be returned by calling
category_descendants($id), to a "good" DBIx::Class object?
I want to call category_descendants($id), and then I want to use something
like this:

Thank you!

//wbr, Dmitry L.
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