I think I found the reason:
I have following line in my DB.pm

_on_connect_do_ => q{PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON},

this was copied from sqlite example

the sql server can not run this command :
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON

after I change to
_on_connect_do_ => q{},
the error gone


Hugh Wang

Hailin Hu 写道:
It seems the error only occurs on connection.
Do you have any sql statement in on_connect_do, which SQL server can't
execute correctly?

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Hugh Wang <yow...@verizon.net> wrote:
I am trying to use Catalyst, with DBIx::Class to connect to a MS
Sqlserver database.
after  I start the Catalyst server,
perl script/libApp_server.pl -r

I connect to a page to open a table and display it,
but the first time when I open the page,
such as:   http://localhost:3000/admin/ticket

it shows error:

[error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception:
DBD::ODBC::db do
failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'=' Grammer Error
nearby (SQL
-42000)(DBD: Execute immediate failed err=-1) at
/admin.pm line 47

but after I refresh to reload the page, it works good .
if I restart the server, the error will show up again for the first time
I open the same web page.
the refresh of the same page, will work good.

what's wrong with it?  any one has experience


Hugh Wang

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