On 12.06.2013, at 16:17, Peter Rabbitson wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 03:42:20PM +0200, Bernhard Bauch wrote:
>> dear dbix-folks,
>> ...
>> i figured out where the problem is!
>> since perl 5.18 >>> hash-ramdomizatiomn is used see:
>> https://metacpan.org/module/RJBS/perl-5.18.0/pod/perldelta.pod#Hash-randomization
>> in DBIx::Class::Schema.pm line 232: 
>>      my %results = $class->_map_namespaces(@$result_namespace);
>> an ordered list of result classes is stored in an hash ....
> This can't be true - _map_namespaces returns a list, without any
> kind of order (it's Filesystem order). Even if it did - the order
> would not be preserved on older perls either, after the hash
> assignment.

oh sorry-  i "mis-read" the code -- i thought _map_namespace provides an ordred 
list of modules (the order in which the modules need to be loaded)

the order of the list (returned by $class->_map_namespaces(@$result_namespace) 
) is always "the same" (not changing on reload/restart/compile)
and my class load/run fine with that.

but this :
        my %res ults = $class->_map_namespaces(@$result_namespace);
        for my $res (values %results) {
                print "class: $res";
shows a different order every time...

>> later in line242:
>>    for my $res (values %results) {
>>      $class->ensure_class_loaded($res);
>> this hash is used
>> the error ist, that "values" return a randomly sorted list now ... the 
>> correct order coming from
>>      $class->_map_namespaces(@$result_namespace);
>> is neglected.
>> this was my workaround-fix ....
>> ---------------------------
>> diff Schema.pm_fix Schema.pm
>> 235,241d234
>> <     # correct order !!!
>> <     my @result_classes;
>> <     foreach my $class ( $class->_map_namespaces(@$result_namespace) ){
>> <         push (@result_classes, $class) if $class =~ /Schema::Result/;
>> <     }
>> < 
>> < 
>> 249,250c242
>> < #    for my $res (values %results) {
>> <     for my $res ( @result_classes )  {
>> ---
>>>    for my $res (values %results) {
>> ---------------------------
> This can't be the correct fix due to reasons described above. Something 
> else is happening that prevents a *specific class* requiring its 
> far-relationship side.
> Please provide several definitions of the adected classes (both the ones 
> that throw an exception, and the ones whose load fails).

this is the "ordered" class list returned by 

loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Attachment
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Startpage
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Settings
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Object
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Zone
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Users
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::UsersRole
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Page
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Country
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Stakeholder
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Role
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::StakeholderUsers
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::ZoneObject
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::AttachmentBase
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Tag
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::TagObject
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::ProjectStakeholder
loading: Newindigo::Schema::Result::Object::Project

my Packages + inhertiance (for Newindigo::Schema::Result::Object::Project) look 
like this .....
(all other class above inherit from Newindigo::Schema::Result)....


package Newindigo::Schema::Result::Object::Project;

use utf8;
use Moose;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
use MooseX::MarkAsMethods autoclean => 1;

extends 'Newindigo::Schema::Result::Object';

package Newindigo::Schema::Result::Object;

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'Newindigo::Schema::Result';

package Newindigo::Schema::Result;

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'CatalystX::SEAC::Schema::Result';

package CatalystX::SEAC::Schema::Result;

use Moose;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'DBIx::Class::Core';


need/want more infos ?

bye, bernhard

>> maybe this should be fixed in upcoming DBIx::Class releases ?
> It should definitely be fixed, but first the real problem must be 
> identified ;)
> Cheers
> _______________________________________________
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Bernhard Bauch, Webdevelopment
ZSI - Zentrum für soziale Innovation
Skype: berni-zsi

List: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class
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