1. Define column host as unique in your Result pm, then you can use
$rs->find({ host => $host })->addr;
2. Use method first()
$hostAdd = $rs->search({host => $host})->get_column('addr')->first;

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Rajeev Prasad <rp.ne...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> hello,
> I have this "host" table, which has all unique records. So i want to get a 
> specific column value for a specific host. i am doing below, but i think it 
> is not efficient. is there a better way?
> my $hostAdd_rs = 
> $schema->resultset('Host')->search({host=>$host},{select=>[qw/addr/]});
> while (my $rec = $hostAdd_rs-next() ) {
>     $hostAdd = $rec->get_column('addr');
> }
> can we not do it in a single line command? without any while loop?
> i tried, but getting various errors.
> ty.
> Rajeev
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