On Wed, 2013-12-11 at 00:23 +0900, Hailin Hu wrote:
> Well, can you try this way?
> Have join started from site_task, like this
> $site_task->search(
>   ...,
>   join => ['site', 'task', 'issue'],
> )
> The relationships may be like this?
> _SITE_TASK_->belongs_to('site' => 'Site');
> _SITE_TASK_->belongs_to('task' => 'Task');
> _SITE_TASK_->might_have('issue' => 'Issue', {'foreign.site_id' =>
> 'me.site_id', 'foreign.task_id' => 'me.task_id'}, {'join_type' =>
> 'LEFT'});
> Reference:
> http://search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Relationship/Base.pm#add_relationship

Thanks. I did actually try something like that, but I ran into other
problems (I forget exactly what, but when I was running the queries it
wasn't generating quite the SQL I was expecting. I was going to post a
question about that, but posted the other one instead).

I'd be interested to know other people's opinions, but I'm beginning to
think that a database design with 2 different tables providing a
many-to-many relationship is a bad idea anyway, so I think I'll see if I
can design it differently.



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