On 10/01/2014 5:11 PM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 04:47:56PM +1100, neil.lunn wrote:
On 10/01/2014 3:55 PM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
Current test cases are showing an expected result of : [{ artist => { '-foo' => 1 }}] and getting a result of: [{ artist => [ { '-foo' => [ 1 ] } ]}]
I must be blind - I do not see a test like this. Please tell me which line.
Actually the first test. '-foo' => [ 1 ] appears to be the erroneous munging of the supplied element into a list.

One more thing just from the last two tests:

  my $a = [ { 'artist' => 'manager' }, 'cd' ];
  my $b = [ 'artist', { 'artist' => 'manager' } ];
my $expected = [ { 'artist' => 'manager' }, 'cd', { 'artist' => 'manager' } ];
  my $result = $rs->_merge_joinpref_attr($a, $b);
  is_deeply( $result, $expected );

  my $a = [{ artist => [{ -join_type => 123 }, 'manager' ] }, 'cd' ];
my $b = [{ artist => { -join_type => 123 } }, { artist => [{ -join_type => 123 }, 'manager'] } ]; my $expected = [ { artist => [{ -join_type => 123 }, 'manager'] }, 'cd', { artist => [{ -join_type => 123 }, 'manager'] } ];
  my $result = $rs->_merge_joinpref_attr($a, $b);
  is_deeply( $result, $expected );

Assuming the expected is merging *left to right* where the first element is considered matching the existing key and the following list element is pushed onto the list. Just trying to word out the algorithm in order to visualize it.

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