"Ekki Plicht (DF4OR)" <e...@plicht.de> writes:

> When trying to upgrade from 0.08250 to 0.08260 I get the following
> test failures:

[snip tests failures]

> The following dependencies are installed:
> [Core Features]
> - DBD::SQLite              ...loaded. (1.29 >= 1.29)

Upgrading DBD::SQLite to at least version 1.35 (1.34_02 to be precise,
but that's a development release) fixes this.

All the failing tests involve integer bind values, which are mentioned
in the changelog for 1.34_02, but I haven't got time to investigate the
details right now.

- Twitter seems more influential [than blogs] in the 'gets reported in
  the mainstream press' sense at least.               - Matt McLeod
- That'd be because the content of a tweet is easier to condense down
  to a mainstream media article.                      - Calle Dybedahl

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