On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Peter Rabbitson <rabbit+d...@rabbit.us>

> On 02/05/2015 09:56 PM, Seth Daniel wrote:
>> ...
>> my $rs = $s->resultset( 'A' )
>>             ->search( { 'B.name' => 'some_name' },
>>                       { columns => [ 'id', { 'A_B.B.name => 'B.name' } ],
>>                         collapse => 1,
>>                         join => [ { A_B => 'B' },
>>                                   { A_B => 'B' } ] } );
>> This does return only the columns I ask for, but it also only returns
>> the B that match the search criteria instead of all B for the selected A.
> Yes - you asked for B.name to be put into A_B.B.name and you also
> referenced it in the where condition. What you want is (likely)
> columns => [ 'id', { 'A_B.B.name => 'B_2.name' }
> Check the generated DBIC_TRACE=1 (and maybe in addition
> DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE=console) to easier wrap your head around what is going
> on.
> Cheers

 That was it.  Thank you very much.
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