2015-03-10 12:45 GMT+03:00 Dmitry Latin <dim0...@gmail.com>:
> Hi!
>> First I tried to override search_rs() method in a custom resultset
>> with something like this:
>> https://gist.github.com/ichesnokov/1d4236f79c69fd14ebbe, but it didn't
>> work as expected on prefetches with condition in them.
> I think this way doesn't work on prefetches because it shouldn't.


> In addition to overriding search_rs, you have to provide conditions into
> relations 
> (https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base#Custom-join-conditions)

This seems irrelevant to my issue: I don't need custom joins, I only
want to have what DBIx::Class provides by default.

By "prefetches with condition" I mean expressions with both "prefetch"
and "where" attributes, similar to this:

        prefetch => 'services',
        where => { 'services.entity' => 'abcd' },

> --
> //wbr, Dmitry Latin
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Best regards,
Ilya Chesnokov

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