"Martin J. Evans" <martin.ev...@easysoft.com> writes:

> On 27/02/15 09:19, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
>> On 02/27/2015 10:10 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>>> When I came across this problem (not using DBIC) we started adding 0 to
>>> every numeric column when it was fetched but that became a pain. Then,
>>> with Tim's help I added
>>> http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI-1.633/DBI.pm#sql_type_cast
>>> http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI-1.633/DBI.pm#bind_col
>>> StrictlyTyped and DiscardString
>> Hi Martin,
>> Even though I've seen them when scrolling through changelogs, I've
>> completely forgotten about these options, thanks for reminding me!
>> I'll investigate in the future if this can be better incorporated
>> into how DBIC does things. Thanks!
> Unfortunately for you, AFAIK, only DBD::ODBC and DBD::Oracle ever
> added support for them (i.e., support for attributes in bind_col and
> actually calling sql_type_cast internally) - principally, because
> those were the only drivers I needed it in.

Just FYI: DBD::Pg will automatically return integers as plain IVs
without a string component, and as of the next version it will do that
with bigints as well if your IV and long types are big enough.


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 at any given time, on fire." - Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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