On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:11 AM, Martin Spevak <martin.spe...@hp.com> wrote:
> Hi all, > > [edit] I need to update let say 200.000 rows. Each row should have > different number of changed columns. > [edit] I don't care if update is success or not. Some kind of bulk update. > My idea was to send all UPDATE queries as strings into storage procedure > (let say per 10 queries). So I try to get this query from DBIx somehow as > ResultSet->as_query (but this is not possible for update command). > > Do you have any other ideas, how to send few update commands in one packet? > I think you're on a good path. Send a data structure to a stored proc. execute stored proc using literal SQL "EXECUTE foo() ....." Since you don't care about results, it's fire and forget. -- Len Jaffe - lenja...@jaffesystems.com 614-404-4214 @LenJaffe <https://www.twitter.com/lenJaffe> www.lenjaffe.com Host of Code Jam Columbus <http://www.meetup.com/techlifecolumbus/> - @CodeJamCMH <https://www.twitter.com/CodeJamCMH> Curator of Advent Planet <http://www.lenjaffe.com/AdventPlanet/> - An Aggregation of Online Advent Calendars.
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