Hi, all.

I have lookup-table relationships of the following form:

    size => 'Schema::Result::SizeLookup',
    { 'foreign.size_id' => 'self.size_id' },

Now, I know that I can create a new row like this (all made-up
pseudocode, so please forgive any typos), and have DBIC look up the
size_id from the SizeLookup table:

    serial_number => 'XYZ1234',
    size => { name => 'large' },

But I would really like to be able to do something *similar* to this:

    serial_number => 'XYZ1234',
    size_name => 'large',

    size_name => 'small',

We're a little surprised that this isn't a common desire, to be able to
create/update looked-up IDs based on the corresponding identifying
string. But we can't seem to find any off-the-shelf component that will
enable something like this.

We did see DBIx::Class::LookupColumn, but that provides additional
methods, not column-like functionality.

Any suggestions?


Tim King
Lead Developer, The Perl Shop

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