On 09/26/2015 04:13 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:
I have an old app that uses DBI directly with Postgresql.   I want to
add in support for DBIx::Class into the same app.  I don't want to
double the number of database connections so would like to replace the
method that returns a $dbh in the old app with:

    $schema->storage->dbh;  # [1]

The issue is the old app uses DBI with a RootClass of

I see that DBIx::Class::CDBICompat::ImaDBI uses DBIx::ContextualFetch.

Is there any problem with setting the RootClass as DBIx::ContextualFetch
and running DBIC normally?

I don't think there will be, but this has not been tested either.

[1] Actually, I'd probably calll $storage->_get_dbh to reduced the
number of pings.

I would wrap the entire app call as:

 $storage->dbh_do(sub { app goes here using $_[1] } )

This way you are both protected from spurious pings, and from oddball disconnects (as long as the app is omnipotent).

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