On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Dave Howorth <dhowo...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>

> I have various applications that use DBIx::Class. I just moved one of
> them, which has been running OK for quite a while, to a new machine and
> that meant it got a new environment, including an updated DBIx::Class. It
> no longer runs, and it would help me to try to understand what is broken in
> my own code if I could understand how the DBIC code works and why it was
> changed. If anybody could give me any pointers, I'd be grateful.
> My code is dying with the error message:
> DBIx::Class::Row::store_column(): No such column '_type' on
> TDB::Schema::Result::Node
> This appears to be caused by a change in the code in DBIx::Class::Row in
> store_column() in particular where
>   $self->throw_exception( "No such column '${column}'" )
>     unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$column} ||
> $self->has_column($column);
> has been replaced by
>   $self->throw_exception( "No such column '${column}' on " . ref $self )
>     unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$column} ||
> $self->result_source->has_column($column);
> If I put back the original code there, my application appears to work.
> Now my TDB::Schema::Result::Node contains some gnarly code that it will
> take me some time to regain familiarity with, and I think it would help me
> if I understood why that change had been made in DBIx::Class::Row so I
> might get some idea of what I need to change in my own code.
> If anybody can point me to the change or provide any explanation, I'd
> appreciate it.


Without knowing what I'm talking about, this would seem to only matter if
you do something funky like dynamically re-blessing result objects...

Does TDB::Schema::Result::Node and the underlying table actually have a
_type column?


> Cheers, Dave
> PS The old version says it is  '0.08200' and the new is '0.082820'.
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