On 2016-01-22 12:24, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
On 01/22/2016 01:11 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:

because its perl is too old (5.10.1) for some of my code

5.10.1 is hardly "too old" :)

My usual fault is using perls and other software that are excruciatingly old, but in this case I'm porting a program that has use feature 'unicode_strings' and I'd rather not reopen the festering sore that led to its use. :)

This is a harmless error, just ignore it. The test itself has been relegated to xt/ as it gives user-inactionable false negatives sometimes.

OK good.

#   Failed test 'Cascading delete on Ordered has_many works'
#   at t/60core.t line 362.
I am not sure - never seen this one. Perhaps try an older DBD::SQLite first (e.g. 1.37). It seems to be related to the ordering changes...

Thanks, that works. It seems to be https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=96499

Thanks again for all your help, my program is now running on the new machine.

Cheers, Dave

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