On 02/20/2016 01:12 AM, Bill Moseley wrote:
Two related questions.

First,  I have a resultset where I want to call $rs->delete_all and I'd
like to know specifically which rows got deleted.    RETURNING works for
this, of course, but wondering if there's a way in DBIC to do this.

Not at present, no. I do not have immediate plans for this, as it would require a news set of APIs, or something similarly clever... Likely something for whoever comes after me.

In a similar way we often will update or insert and then
->discard_changes to fetch updated row, but that's two queries.   Any
way to do more than just RETURNING id?

If you are using an engine supporting RETURNING - the PK is already fetched for you behind the scenes this way (you can see that in the trace). In addition there is https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::Class::ResultSource#retrieve_on_insert which will add any column you want to the RETURNING statement.

There is currently no similar functionality for retrieve_on_update. I *may* be able to sneak it in, but can't promise yet.


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