On 03/30/2016 02:23 PM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
perl -It/lib -Ilib -MANFANG -MDevel::Dwarn -e '
# add the special rel
require DBICTest::Schema::CD;
DBICTest::Schema::CD->has_many( links_to_non_mst_producers =>
"DBICTest::Schema::CD_to_Producer", sub {
my $args = shift;
"$args->{foreign_alias}.cd" => { -ident =>
"$args->{self_alias}.cdid" },
"$args->{foreign_alias}.producer" => {
-in => $args->{self_resultsource}
->search({ "me.name" => { -not_like => "%Trout%"
} })
require DBICTest;
Dwarn [ DBICTest->init_schema->resultset("CD")->search(
{ cdid => 1 },
result_class => "DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator",
prefetch => {
cd_to_producer => "producer",
links_to_non_mst_producers => "producer",
)->all ];
Forgot to add - this is what the above produces:
artist => 1,
cd_to_producer => [
attribute => undef,
cd => 1,
producer => {
name => "Matt S Trout",
producerid => 1
attribute => undef,
cd => 1,
producer => {
name => "Bob The Builder",
producerid => 2
attribute => undef,
cd => 1,
producer => {
name => "Fred The Phenotype",
producerid => 3
cdid => 1,
genreid => 1,
links_to_non_mst_producers => [
attribute => undef,
cd => 1,
producer => {
name => "Bob The Builder",
producerid => 2
attribute => undef,
cd => 1,
producer => {
name => "Fred The Phenotype",
producerid => 3
single_track => undef,
title => "Spoonful of bees",
year => 1999
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