On 04/22/2016 12:13 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:

I know very little about this, so apologies if I am speaking out of
turn. Is the code safe in the sense it will work if applied to an older
PG that does not know about replication?

None of this is referenced in any way unless one is using ::Storage::Replicated in the first place. This question is specifically for such users.

The patch itself would be a little larger if it included some tests and

The parts are documented, they just live in a different spot: https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI#is_replicating. Specific storages can override them, which is what this patch does.

As far as testing - it would be nice of course, but it would require an actual replicated setup, which is fiddly business. If someone is interested to implement this as part of the CI here[1] and here[2] - feel free to take a stab at it.

[1] https://github.com/dbsrgits/dbix-class/blob/master/maint/travis-ci_scripts/10_before_install.bash#L132-L137 [2] https://github.com/dbsrgits/dbix-class/blob/master/t/storage/replicated.t#L214-L233

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