On 7 Nov 2016, at 20:24, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:

Peter is also 'only' a human being and if his interpersonal skills would be higher his technical expertise might not be as good as it is because
no one can shine everywhere.

It seems to me that people bashing ribasushi should be working on their own interpersonal skills. I’ve yet to hear any arguments or see any evidence which voids Peter’s technical expertise.

When I come against who I believe to be a very stubborn person who won’t listen, I take the opportunity to improve my communication and reasoning skills (assuming something important, otherwise just walk away). Making the ‘the problem’ someone else just makes the situation harder for me; it’s much easier to fix myself than fix someone else.



   Charlie Garrison  <garri...@zeta.org.au>
   github.com/cngarrison   metacpan.org/author/CNG

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