On Sat, 03 Dec 2016 06:50:45 +0100, Peter Rabbitson <rabbit+d...@rabbit.us> wrote:

I am essentially obligated to
kickstart a DBIx::Class fork free of "community bias"

The distribution will be governed by the proven BDFL model

a user willing to
"switch" will have to adjust nothing more than their list of dependencies.

With all that said the outstanding question to the user-base is:
you must come to an agreement and instruct the PAUSE
admins which of the two (mildly incompatible dists) should `cpan
DBIx::Class` be resolving to.

This seems strongly reasonable to me, and i thank you for making an absolutely clear statement on the matter.

From this going forward, it'll be easy for everyone to know what's at stake, seriously consider whether they wish DBIx::Class to be the riba fork or the team fork, and state so when the opinions are tallied.

I am particularly pleased be the fact that the question is just one of naming, and not one of blocking one of them from existence.

With regards,
Christian Walde

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