The issue 0000472 has been set as DUPLICATE OF the following issue. 
Reported By:                johnke
Assigned To:                aaron
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   461
Category:                   PIPE delivery (dbmail-smtp)
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Fixed in Version:           2.2 branch
Date Submitted:             28-Nov-06 23:21 CET
Last Modified:              09-Dec-06 02:40 CET
Summary:                    dbmail-smtp dies with segmentation fault (11) upon
delivery of messages with certain headers...
When delivering messages to DBMail via dbmail-smtp with certain header
characteristics (seems to be headers with no content and headers with
certain lengths) dbmail-smtp will segfault.  Varying the length of any
header or its contents beneath the empty header (like "To: [empty]") will
cause the message to be delivered.  Only certain header lengths will cause
the segfault to occur.  The attached message will cause a segfault on one
of our 32-bit, nearly-identical mail systems but not another one until any
header is lengthened by a few characters.  This is untested on 64-bit

Relationships       ID      Summary
has duplicate       0000472 GLib-CRITICAL

 johnke - 28-Nov-06 23:26  
The end-of-line convention used in the base64-encoded portion of the
message is not the cause of the issue.  The original message used standard
\n EOL and caused the same segfaults.  The body of this message was
generated simply to reproduce the size and basic content of the original. 

 stsch - 09-Dec-06 01:06  
I can reproduce this behavior on OpenBSD/amd64 .
When delivering messages which contain empty mail-header like the uploaded
message, then dbmail-smtpd mostly dies - but not always !
It seems that is not a good idea to feed  imap_cleanup_address(const char
with empty(?) values.
The uploaded patch ( see file misc_c.patch ) fixed the problem for me. 

 aaron - 09-Dec-06 02:40  
I took a slightly different approach to avoid the strlen call. Added two
test cases to cover zero length and null inputs to imap_cleanup_address.
Now in SVN 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
28-Nov-06 23:21 johnke         New Issue                                    
28-Nov-06 23:21 johnke         File Added: messageFile.bz2                    
28-Nov-06 23:26 johnke         Note Added: 0001632                          
09-Dec-06 00:35 stsch          File Added: misc_c.patch                     
09-Dec-06 01:06 stsch          Note Added: 0001658                          
09-Dec-06 02:40 aaron          Status                   new => resolved     
09-Dec-06 02:40 aaron          Fixed in Version          => 2.2 branch      
09-Dec-06 02:40 aaron          Resolution               open => fixed       
09-Dec-06 02:40 aaron          Assigned To               => aaron           
09-Dec-06 02:40 aaron          Note Added: 0001659                          
12-Dec-06 09:35 paul           Relationship added       has duplicate 0000472

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