Christian G. Warden wrote:

On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 02:34:39AM +0000, Feargal Reilly wrote:

Hi, I'm looking for thoughts on ways that dbmail could interact with
anti-spam software?

I'm scanning users' mail with SpamAssassin which adds an 'X-Spam-Flag:
Yes' header to spam prior to delivering to dbmail. I want our pop3
users not to have to download the mail which has been marked as spam,
but to retain it so they can review it in the web interface I'm
writing. (Anybody else out there use neowebscript? Didn't think so...)

My plan is to adjust dbmail-smtp to scan the header for the
X-Spam-Flag, and if found, store the message in a 'Spam' mailbox. Then
I'll alter dbmail-pop3d not to include mail from the Spam mailbox.

I'll also adjust dbmail-maintenance so that it sends a summary of the
spam mailbox.

I think you're going about this the wrong way.  If you want to
quarantine spam (as opposed to rejecting it at SMTP, which I'd
recommend), have your MTA deliver deliver it to a different dbmail mail
box, e.g.
if spam
        deliver to dbmail-smtp -m spam -u $user
else deliver to dbmail-smtp -u $user

No modification to dbmail needed, just a minor configuration change to
your MTA.

That is a whole lot easier to implement that the approach I just posted.
But may have to be re-implemented as the external MTA or toolsets change..

- It also tends to leave us with a system where all we have really done is replace Maildirs or Mboxes with an RDBMS for message and configuration storage.

i.e raw or structured file sytem storage vs RDBMS for storage doesn't really maximize the available RDBMS tools...

..and we are still utilizing conventional queues, pipelines, *whatever* of the legacy MTA world, with attendent delays in the I/O.

Why not simply get the messages straight into the DB, then apply the filtering as a separate process before flagging the message as 'available' to the POP or IMAP client?

Bill Hacker..

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