Hi Christian,

> > Do we prefer our current internal handling of bounces, or should we switch 
> > to
> > using the MTA for this kind of dirty work?
> I think it's best for the MTA to handle bounces.  In my setup, I only
> pass mail to dbmail that can be delivered.  I do alias expansion and
> recipient verification in Exim.

Yes I agree, the MTA should do that. It doesn't matter if exim or dbmail
does the alias expansion I think.

> > Also, if Exim only support EX_CANTCREAT and EX_TEMPFAIL, and treats them in
> > the same way, how do we propose to support EX_NOUSER and the like? Is it the
> > correct behaviour for us to return EX_NOUSER if there's no such user and let
> > Exim handle the rest, generating a permanent message delivery failure?
> Yes, I'd put the responsibility on the MTA.  If the MTA can only handle
> temporary versus permanent failures, you'll still get the appropriate
> action, but a bounce message might not be as informative as it could be.

As far as I know one of the big advantages of using lmtp is that the MTA
can get speaking error messages.

I have exim 3 and Cyrus 2.1 with lmtp running. If I write a mail to a not
existing user I get a bounce back:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

    LMTP error after RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 550-Mailbox unknown. Either 
there is no mailbox associated with this
    550-name or you do not have authorization to see it.
    550 5.1.1 User unknown

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
[.. Headers and some KB of the message ..]

Before I switched to lmtp I only got 'failed' messages without a reason.

That's the way dbmail should handle bounces too I think.

MfG Thomas Mueller - http://www.tmueller.com for pgp key (95702B3B)

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