The following bug has been ASSIGNED.
Reported By:                Dead2
Assigned To:                danweber
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     8
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     closed
Date Submitted:             09-Jul-04 12:55 CEST
Last Modified:              18-Aug-04 18:53 CEST
Summary:                    Optional compression of stored mails
When headers are separated from messageblks we can do
interesting things to the messageblks. For example we
can compress them.

dbmail-[smtp/lmtp] should compress the messagebody
before inserting them into the database.
dbmail-[pop3/imap] and webmail clients should then
decompress them before sending them to the clients.

Compression should be done by zlib for portability.
It should also be possible to specifiy the level of
compression to be used. 

This should be optional for several reasons:
-Harder to implement for special 3rd party programs
-Backwards compatability
-The admin might judge that he does not need compression
 for various reasons.

The advantages of compressing them in the dbmail daemon
instead of the buildt-in postgres compression:
-Better scalability, since the database needs less cpu,
 the daemon programs can be put on other computers to
 achive better scaling, but the database is a bottleneck.
-Saving space on database server

-Much harder to perform full-text searches in the message
 bodys. (Headers/subject not affected)
-Slower insertion/retrieval of mails

This should probably not go in before 2.2, possibly 2.1?

 ilja - 09-Jul-04 14:44 CEST 
There's discussion on this feature in dbmail-dev. It might be interesting.

 danweber - 13-Aug-04 14:52 CEST 
MySQL is able to do this.  You don't need to compress the data, but MySQL
will compress the table.


 danweber - 18-Aug-04 18:53 CEST 
closing bug because this can happen due to your backend (if using mysql)  
The problem of compression at the message level is that decompressing for
people who are downloading 1000 messages with thousands of users is a bad

-- Dan

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
09-Jul-04 12:55Dead2          New Bug                                      
09-Jul-04 14:44ilja           Bugnote Added: 0000010                       
09-Jul-04 14:44ilja           Status                   new => acknowledged 
13-Aug-04 14:52danweber       Bugnote Added: 0000159                       
18-Aug-04 18:53danweber       Bugnote Added: 0000166                       
18-Aug-04 18:53danweber       Assigned To               => danweber        
18-Aug-04 18:53danweber       Reproducibility          N/A => always       
18-Aug-04 18:53danweber       Resolution               open => suspended   
18-Aug-04 18:53danweber       Status                   acknowledged => closed

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