Kevin Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I just setup  my first dbmail+postfix box!

Congrats and welcome! Make sure that you keep up with critical updates
posted to the websie, as some parts of rc8 are buggy and have been fixed
in CVS.

> If this is not even close to production, could someone
> suggest a fitlering solution?

Sieve isn't even close to production yet, support will be added during the
2.1 development series and will be featured in the 2.2 stable series.

At the moment you'll have to cobble together your own filtering system.
The aliases table can pipe messages into a local program using the |
(pipe) and ! (bang) -- I believe that the README file describes the
differences -- and the output of the external pipes can in turn be sent
back into dbmail-smtp for delivery to a user account and mailbox.

Some people have cooked up pretty involved scripts to do this, hopefully a
few will get posted in response to your query!



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