Drew Northup N1XIM wrote:
Could somebody please fill me in on why auto mailbox creation is needed
to make LDAP auth work right?  I don't see procmail, sendmail or postfix
needing this to work.

If you use authsql instead of authldap, users are generally created through dbmail-user, which will handle INBOX creation when creating a user. Usermanagement for ldap is likely to be handled by tools other than dbmail-user, and therefor dbmail doesn't have a INBOX mailbox record for users created in the ldap database perse. Hence, users that do exist in ldap, but have no corresponding INBOX should have their INBOX created for them on delivery of email.

  Paul Stevens                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands_______________________________________www.nfg.nl

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