Along with this I would like to start a discussion on the possiblity for
doing away with the fork code and going to a pthread model with a thread
pool, I have already starting some proof of concept code on my own, but
with the performance on threads in linux 2.6.8 and the performance of
threads on my Sun boxes this would give DBmail a leap ahead. Let me know
the thoughts ...etc from everyone on if you guys think it would make any
since to switch to a threading pooled model.


> Hi all,
> As promised I've been busy reworking imapcommands.c lately. Since what I'm
> doing
> will be pretty invasive wrt the imap code I want to share with you some of
> the
> progress made and what I plan to do...
> 1) change the signature for all _ic_XXX functions
> 2) change the way results are gathered and flushed to to client
> 3) use glib and gmime extensively
> ad 1)
> Currently all _ic_XXX functions look like:
> int _ic_XXX(char *tag, char **args, ClientInfo * ci)
> I plan to change this to
> int _ic_XXX(struct ImapSession *self)
> where a struct ImapSession contains much of the currently globalized
> variables
> in imapcommands.c and imaputil.c
> This will enable splitting up of _ic_fetch and friends, and generally make
> life
> easier for people who want to refactor the imap code.
> ad 2)
> Currently all results are written to the client by calling fprintf all
> over the
> place (or ci_write which is a wrapper).
> I'm almost finished with rewriting the imapcode and replace all those
> fprintf's
> with a GList setup. This helps building up clean lists of items to be
> returned
> to the client, and sanatize their formatting. No more trailing spaces in
> parentisized lists, etc...
> ad3)
> While working at (2) I began using GLib extensively, but now I've also
> started
> working on the actual message-retrieval code. Using gmime there makes a
> lot of
> sense, and I've already rewritten some the rfcsize code.
> Using GMime will help clean up the message parsing *a lot*.
> All this is being worked on on the nfg-0-1 branch. Code is currently
> working
> well, in sync with head as of sept 16, and tested with both the testframe
> and
> thunderbird.
> Of course, doing this started out with a plan to phase-in the is_header
> field,
> and start working toward a header-caching setup. Those plans will largely
> determine what I'll be working on in this branch.
> --
>    ________________________________________________________________
>    Paul Stevens                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
>    The
> _______________________________________________
> Dbmail-dev mailing list

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