> I don't think there's any benefit to having both the Primary and
> Unique indexes. I don't  know why they ever got in there.
> If we take them out of the install scripts, we should also have to
> have some additional database migration scripts (for 1.2 old -> 1.2
> new, and for 1.2 new -> 2.0). That would complicate matters for people
> updating to 2.0, because they would have to choose between two
> scripts.

Maybe it'd be possible to make a small util that checks the database
schema to see wether it's exactly like it's supposed to be in the
currently installed version. It could give out info about what is
different too, but should not fix them. That should be left to an
sql expert (to prevent erronous removal of data).

It would be a nice safeguard when upgrading to a new version.

It would be a nice thing for warning of missing indexes too, seeing
as this is usually the performace problem that occurs in a lot of
projects. (Request Tracker beeing one of them) Not sure how they
manage to loose the indexes (upgrade?) but it is a bad error since
everything will continue to work, just at a horribly slow pace.

Not quite sure how to make such a util tho..


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