Thnx for reply, but i think im gonna refrase my questions...
sorry, Im still lost ;)
My nolige of linux is low, even if i have tinkerd with it on and off for 
5years, my nolige in setting up a mailserver in it is NULL... so managed 
to solve the initial .SO.0.0.0 problem my self...

 currently "only" ports  24, 110 and IMAP port works, after starting 
dbmail-lmtpd, dbmail-pop3d, dbmail-imapd, there shuld be a port 25 so can 
send mail? 
 Also my ISP blocks direct sending of emails, so must route thrue there 
server, but that is a later problem :)
Installed mysql-max(had none innoDB before), added db's, added one user, 
and that works no problem as can check for new mails on port 110.

 Do dbMAIL rely on something else for getting mails to it, the port 25? 
or is it suposed to do it self or is it that EXIM/POSTFIX are suposed to 
suse-Server is currently setup to not accept/do remote emails, only do 
the user system mail from cron n like...

 What do i need to do to get it working, what do i need to install, 
change, program name(s)?

also any recomendation on webmail interface to use for it.

/thnx for help
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