A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                xing
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     91
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            N/A
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     confirmed
Date Submitted:             15-Sep-04 20:33 CEST
Last Modified:              02-Jan-05 12:00 CET
Summary:                    Possible infinite loop within either POP3/IMAP  
I noticed my dbmail server's mysql CPU avergaing 75%+  which is out of the
normal by a landslide. After investigation I noticed a infinite loop type
query sent from likely the DBMAIL pop3/imap process by looking at the db
login name and query.

The following mysql query is executed in a infinite loop by a dbmail
process (again I don't know which one).
                                           UPDATE messages set
status=17794368026245745520 WHERE message_idnr=17794367648288623384 AND


 xing - 15-Sep-04 20:42 CEST 
Confirmed dbmail POP3 daemon as the origin of the queries.

Killing all imapd processes had no effect.
Killing all pop3d processes stopped the infinite loop query.

 aaron - 07-Oct-04 00:58 CEST 
I see this with IMAPD lately. Not a clue at all what's bringing it on :-\

 seanc - 05-Nov-04 16:14 CET 
When uploading a message from a local mailbox to the server, I can trigger
this 100% of the time.  It's devatsating to the database... it loops
infinitely with the following two queries:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [local] 952 2004-11-05 07:05:23 PST LOG:  statement:
SELECT message_idnr FROM dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr = '5' AND
status < '2'  AND unique_id!='' AND recent_flag=1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [local] 952 2004-11-05 07:05:23 PST LOG:  duration:
0.880 ms
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [local] 952 2004-11-05 07:05:23 PST LOG:  statement:
SELECT lock.messageblk FROM dbmail_messageblks block, dbmail_messages msg
WHERE block.physmessage_id = msg.physmessage_id AND msg.message_idnr =
'118' ORDER BY block.messageblk_idnr
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [local] 952 2004-11-05 07:05:23 PST LOG:  duration:
0.900 ms

Is there a workaround/fix for this bug that can be applied to 2.0.0?  My
users are constantly doing this and on an amd64, it doesn't take too long
to generate 500GB of pgsql log data if the database goes unchecked
overnight.  :)

 jnorell - 05-Nov-04 17:36 CET 
seanc: your problem is in copying a mailbox to the server - using
mailbox2dbmail?  That's going to be a different problem than the infinite
loop this ticket is about (in pop3d).

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [local] 952 2004-11-05 07:05:23 PST LOG: 
> SELECT lock.messageblk FROM dbmail_messageblks block, dbmail_messages
         ^^^^  is that really "lock," not "block"?  (ought to get an
on the query if so)

> WHERE block.physmessage_id = msg.physmessage_id AND msg.message_idnr =
> '118' ORDER BY block.messageblk_idnr
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [local] 952 2004-11-05 07:05:23 PST LOG: 
> 0.900 ms

 seanc - 05-Nov-04 20:26 CET 
That's correct...  I must have deleted the 'b' when pasting my message.  It
seems as though the db_get_msgflag() and db_get_main_header() are getting
called in an infinite loop via _ic_fetch().  What could cause such a

 paul - 06-Nov-04 22:30 CET 
The reported bug is in mysql/dbmysql.c(db_update_pop)
The &sessionptr->messagelst is apparently badly initialized.

Maybe wrapping the list_nodeadd call in db_createsession will be enough.

 aaron - 22-Nov-04 02:03 CET 
Problem seems to be a missing list_init. Try the patch.

 ilja - 22-Nov-04 09:01 CET 
There is a list_init in db_createsession() in db.c. Or does this bug
express itself when that function isn't called.

BTW, the pop3() function is a mess.. way too long. When Paul is finished
with imapcommands.c, I'd like to rewrite pop3.c in the same manner.

 xing - 02-Jan-05 12:00 CET 
I have not had another infinite loop since upgrading to 2.0.1 after the bug

If no one has seen the bug since then perhaps Aaron's nailed the sucker
and dbmail team can close another bug entry?

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
15-Sep-04 20:33xing           New Bug                                      
15-Sep-04 20:42xing           Bugnote Added: 0000264                       
07-Oct-04 00:58aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000288                       
07-Oct-04 00:59aaron          Status                   new => confirmed    
05-Nov-04 16:14seanc          Bugnote Added: 0000342                       
05-Nov-04 16:14seanc          Bug Monitored: seanc                         
05-Nov-04 17:36jnorell        Bugnote Added: 0000343                       
05-Nov-04 20:26seanc          Bugnote Added: 0000344                       
06-Nov-04 22:30paul           Bugnote Added: 0000347                       
22-Nov-04 02:02aaron          File Added: diff-pop3                        
22-Nov-04 02:03aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000362                       
22-Nov-04 09:01ilja           Bugnote Added: 0000363                       
23-Nov-04 23:12michaelg       Bug Monitored: michaelg                      
02-Jan-05 12:00xing           Bugnote Added: 0000484                       

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