A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                jnorell
Assigned To:                aaron
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     131
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     feedback
Date Submitted:             30-Nov-04 17:48 CET
Last Modified:              11-Jan-05 07:28 CET
Summary:                    determine dbmail version
It would be nice to have a means for external programs to
identify what version of dbmail is in use (and hence what
table layout to expect).

 aaron - 30-Nov-04 19:00 CET 
Currently all of the command line utilities give their *revision* with the
-V flag. They do not give their *release* however. We should take
advantage of some automake magic to pass a -DRELEASE or somesuch so that
we can easily include the release version into the -V flag.

The doesn't solve your problem 100%, but it's a good step along the same

 aaron - 11-Dec-04 02:56 CET 
Actually, I think that the new -V output should be sufficient. A quick
regex on the Version: line should do the trick. Reopen the bug if you want
something more in-depth!

 jnorell - 13-Dec-04 17:21 CET 
Actually I was thinking more from looking at the database itsself, eg.
if/when config info gets (partially) put back into the database.  True,
most of the time the machine needing to know the version number/table
layout would also have a local copy of dbmail running, but not always. 
Eg. a webmail service that has seperate servers for smtp and http, the
(native access) webmail client would need to know the dbmail version
number it's dealing with.

If there's a ticket for putting config stuff in the database, probably
just put a note there and close this.

 xing - 11-Jan-05 07:28 CET 
Installed 2.0.2 and -V only display the major version, should show minor as

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/sbin # ./dbmail-util -V
DBMail: dbmail-util
Version: 2.0
$Revision: $
Copyright: (c) 1999-2004 IC&S, The Netherlands

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
30-Nov-04 17:48jnorell        New Bug                                      
30-Nov-04 19:00aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000395                       
30-Nov-04 23:22aaron          Assigned To               => aaron           
30-Nov-04 23:22aaron          Status                   new => assigned     
11-Dec-04 02:56aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000437                       
11-Dec-04 02:56aaron          Resolution               open => fixed       
11-Dec-04 02:56aaron          Status                   assigned => resolved
13-Dec-04 11:33ilja           Status                   resolved => closed  
13-Dec-04 17:21jnorell        Bugnote Added: 0000449                       
13-Dec-04 17:21jnorell        Resolution               fixed => reopened   
13-Dec-04 17:21jnorell        Status                   closed => feedback  
11-Jan-05 07:28xing           Bugnote Added: 0000499                       

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