Aaron, do you have any objections to my taking over authldap for a while?

I need authldap with priority for a client, so I got busy fleshing out the missing parts of authldap.c. Doing this I'm also using a special dbmail.schema file I'm working on in parallel. I want to keep it simple and straight as possible so I can maintain a 1-1 mapping with the dbmail_aliases table setup/logic. Playing nicely with act.dir and other standard schema is secondary to having a fully functional reference implementation.

For starters all we need in this dbmailUser object on top of core.schema is: mailQuota and mailForwardingAddress. That's it as far as I can tell at this moment. So far I've changed the OBJECTCLASS field to contain the complete list of objectclasses, and added a CN_STRING field to offer some added flexibility in defining a user's DN.

In short: I think I will drop support for a couple of fields (for now): field_mailalt, mailaltprefix, field_forward, field_fwdsave, fwdtargetprefix, field_members. These fields either have no equivalents in the aliases table, or they reflect logic already implied by the delivery chain.

  Paul Stevens                                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Netherlands________________________________http://www.nfg.nl

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