The following bug has been REOPENED.
Reported By:                OutboundIndex
Assigned To:                aaron
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     171
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     feedback
Date Submitted:             02-Feb-05 22:48 CET
Last Modified:              06-Feb-05 20:26 CET
Summary:                    max() is indexable in mysql but not in postgresql 
causing extreme slowness every folder open
An often used sql query is fast on mysql (indexed) but unbearably horribly
slow on postgresql once dbmail is full of a lot of messages (400,000 and
maybe a lot less.) Particularly easy to feel when using squirrelmail.
Postgresql cannot and does not use indexes on a min() or max() function.
Blazingly fast performance in postgresql is restored by using the current
value of the next sequence instead of max()+1 in the query.

 aaron - 06-Feb-05 19:06 CET 
There was a suggestion of using LIMIT, which is supported by both MySQL and
PostgreSQL. That should work just fine in 2.0 since we only support MySQL
and PostgreSQL anyways. During 2.1, when more database shims are added,
we'll have to complexify the solution a little bit. Cross that bridge when
we get to it.

 aaron - 06-Feb-05 19:46 CET 
Ok, John Hansen's suggestion is now in CVS:

SELECT message_idnr + 1 FROM dbmail_messages ORDER BY message_idnr DESC

Please double check this on PostgreSQL!

 aaron - 06-Feb-05 19:55 CET 
Now in CVS. I sent an email to Petru to confirm this for him, since he
found the bug in the first place. Please reopen if the fix is

 OutboundIndex - 06-Feb-05 20:26 CET 
You can close the bug again as resolved, I just wanted to add this query
explain info for a system with close to 500K records of the difference
between doing it by LIMIT or sequence. 

If the estimate is correct, LIMIT seems to be better and of course has the
advantage of being compatible with both mysql and pgsql:

SELECT message_idnr + 1 FROM dbmail_messages ORDER BY message_idnr DESC

Limit  (cost=0.00..0.06 rows=1 width=8)
  ->  Index Scan Backward using dbmail_messages_pkey on dbmail_messages 
(cost=0.00..30644.91 rows=481316 width=8)


SELECT last_value+1 FROM dbmail_message_idnr_seq;

Seq Scan on dbmail_message_idnr_seq  (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=8)

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
02-Feb-05 22:48OutboundIndex  New Bug                                      
02-Feb-05 22:48OutboundIndex  File Added: pg-speed.diff                    
06-Feb-05 19:06aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000579                       
06-Feb-05 19:46aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000580                       
06-Feb-05 19:55aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000581                       
06-Feb-05 19:55aaron          Assigned To               => aaron           
06-Feb-05 19:55aaron          Resolution               open => fixed       
06-Feb-05 19:55aaron          Status                   new => resolved     
06-Feb-05 20:26OutboundIndex  Bugnote Added: 0000582                       
06-Feb-05 20:26OutboundIndex  Resolution               fixed => reopened   
06-Feb-05 20:26OutboundIndex  Status                   resolved => feedback

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