Geo Carncross wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 19:10 +0100, Thomas Mueller wrote:
>>No index will ever solve the problem for PostgreSQL. COUNT() can't use
>>any index, because indices know nothing about transactions.
>>That is why every record that is counted using the index has to be
>>checked to see if it's involved in a transaction (otherwise count()
>>could return too high or low numbers!) - then it's cheaper to do a full
>>table scan and that is what PostgreSQL does.
> Is EXPLAIN really wrong here? I see PG generating the same query plan
> for COUNT(*) as it appears to for every aggregate- and in each case it
> says:
>  Aggregate  (cost=123.57..123.57 rows=1 width=4)
>    ->  Index Scan using ...

No I was wrong here I'm sorry. What I said is true for COUNT() without
restricting WHERE.
I guess the following happens with your query: in my example it returns
only 600 of about 80000 records, that's a selectivity of 0.75%. So it's
cheaper to do a index scan and check the records afterwards than to do a
full table scan.
But if I'm not completely wrong the 600 records have to be read, it's
not enough to read the index (because of missing transaction information).

> All these counts can be translated into SUM() - will it act different
> (even though the query plan is the same) when using SUM?

No, the query plan is what will be executed if it's the same it
shouldn't make a difference - at least for you :)
On two machines two queries can lead to different query plans depending
on the expected costs (IO p.e.).

> Does the transaction isolation level have any useful effect?

I don't think so. For an application like dbmail MVCC should be perfect.
Lowering the isolation level shouldn't improve anything.

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