The following bug has been ASSIGNED.
Reported By:                real10us
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     164
Category:                   PIPE delivery (dbmail-smtp)
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   trivial
Priority:                   high
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Date Submitted:             19-Jan-05 12:49 CET
Last Modified:              14-Mar-05 12:55 CET
Summary:                    No more mailbox full. Mail bounced with "user 
When there should be a bounce message saying: "Mailbox is full" it just
says: "user unknown" when the limit of a mailbox is reached:

Jan 19 12:21:20 MX1 postfix/pipe[5895]: 19B2053E50:
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=dbmail-smtp, delay=1, status=bounced (user

Besides that: what is the dbmail_acl table for? It's empty overhere...


 Wolfram - 19-Jan-05 15:17 CET 
> Besides that: what is the dbmail_acl table for? It's empty overhere...


 real10us - 21-Jan-05 12:18 CET 
Okay, switched over to dbmail-lmtpd and hoped the problem was solved. But
after testing I got an other strange error:

Jan 21 12:11:53 XXX postfix/lmtp[14217]: 8CAAA544C3: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
relay=[], delay=0, status=bounced (host[] said: 511 Recipient <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (null) Address
Status Bad destination mailbox address (in reply to end of DATA command))

What's going wrong? (offcourse the XX's aren't used in the test...) In the
1.x version there where fine bounced messages with the "Mailbox Full"

Somebody got this working??

 aaron - 21-Jan-05 16:50 CET 
Yeah, looks like my fault :-\

A full mailbox should return 5.2.2 (mailbox full), but is instead giving
5.1.1 (generic bad error). Worst of all, the first part of the message
isn't being picked up from the status codes arrays.

I'll dig into this.

 real10us - 22-Jan-05 08:54 CET 
Top! That will get the calls off my back ;-))


 paul - 23-Feb-05 16:48 CET 

has this been fixed?

 aaron - 23-Feb-05 17:01 CET 
I wrote a clean but invasive fix already, but I need to rewrite it so that
we can be sure that it won't change behavior for other situations. Been
really swamped the past couple of weeks. I'll post my patch ASAP and maybe
you'll have a chance to trim it down.

 paul - 11-Mar-05 10:13 CET 

I've updated the botched patch I sent yesterday. It's on the bugtracker.
Also, I've simplified the convoluted logic in dsnuser_worstcase_int. Could
you please look at that code, because I may have misunderstood the exact

It builds just fine, but other than that, it's untested.

 paul - 14-Mar-05 12:55 CET 
I've tested the patch and it does the trick. I'm therefore setting this bug
to resolved.

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
19-Jan-05 12:49real10us       New Bug                                      
19-Jan-05 15:17Wolfram        Bugnote Added: 0000555                       
21-Jan-05 12:18real10us       Bugnote Added: 0000565                       
21-Jan-05 16:50aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000566                       
22-Jan-05 08:54real10us       Bugnote Added: 0000567                       
23-Feb-05 16:48paul           Bugnote Added: 0000589                       
23-Feb-05 17:01aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000590                       
10-Mar-05 02:36aaron          File Added: dbmail-quota.diff                    
11-Mar-05 10:09paul           File Added: 01_quota.dpatch                    
11-Mar-05 10:13paul           Bugnote Added: 0000603                       
14-Mar-05 12:55paul           Bugnote Added: 0000611                       
14-Mar-05 12:55paul           Assigned To               => paul            
14-Mar-05 12:55paul           Priority                 normal => high      
14-Mar-05 12:55paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
14-Mar-05 12:55paul           Status                   new => resolved     

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