On Mon, Mar 14, 2005, Geo Carncross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> for I in ~/dbmail-archive/Maildir/new/*; do ./dbmail-smtp -f dbmail.conf
> -d test -m INBOX < $I; done

One message per second for two hours is 60 * 60 * 2 = 7200 messages. So
that's the ballpark we're in right now. In 1 second you are:

- spawning a process
- connecting to PostgreSQL
- reading a message from disk
- inserting into Pg
- closing Pg connection

This sounds pretty reasonable to me. You might consider writing a quick
and dirty LMTP client to see how it compares. That would eliminate some of
the system dependencies (spawning process, reading uncached file from
disk, perhaps a synchronous syslog).


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