
Problem solved.

The segfault was caused by a conflict between dbmail's internal list implementation, and gmime2.1's own internal list code. Moving on to the -dev list:

Aaron, Ilja, I've moved the internal list to the dm_ namespace to avoid conflicts with gmime2.1. Please take note that all functions and structs in list.h have changed.

Paul J Stevens wrote:
Florian Weber wrote:

On Wednesday 13 April 2005 18:55, Paul J Stevens wrote:

The problem ist still present with gmime from current CVS. Should I talk
to the gmime folks about it or would you rather do it yourself?

Be my guest :-)

I'll report back for everybody's benefit once I've spoken with them.

Thank you for your quick and resourceful help - and of course for DBMail :-)

I've located the problem myself, after migrating main development to gmime2.1.
No solution yet though. But I'm not that sure it's really a gmime bug. Could be
something about initializing the iconv cache internal to gmime.

  Paul Stevens                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands_______________________________________www.nfg.nl

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